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Mighty Multi Mash

Puree version for baby
My son loves this mighty, multi, veggie mash. The sneakily hidden red lentils give it a secret boost (a great source of natural iron and protein).  Ever since I found out more about them I've been trying to find ways to use lentils in other ways than soup, stew or curry. This makes quite a sweet mash and is a lovely break from potatoes. Its does the toddler, baby and adults depending on how much mashing you do.

Mighty, Multi Mash
500g diced swede and carrot
2 x parsnips chopped
1 x onion diced
1 organic vegetable stock cube
500 ml hot water
100g red lentils

Cook the red lentils on the hob as per instructions on packet.
Place the parsnip, carrot, swede and onion, together with the stock cube and water. Cook until soft. Drain but reserve the liquid. Add lentils.
Mash with potato masher, adding as much liquid as you need to get the right consistency.

Individual portions for
toddler/grown ups freezer ready
Pop some greaseproof paper on a tray, cover with large spoonful's of the mash. Freeze. Once frozen remove from tray and place the servings in a plastic bag and pop back in freezer for later use. Instant one child size portions for easy dinner accompaniments.
Or, blitz with the blender and freeze in little pots for weaning the baby. If you go half and half you get two for the price of one. Oh - and I quite like it too.

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